Best 5 Recipes Cooking with Kimchi: kimchi Jjigae

Best 5 Recipes Cooking with Kimchi: kimchi Jjigae


Kimchi-jjigae or kimchi stew is a jjigae, or stew-like Korean dish, made with kimchi and other ingredients, such as scallions, onions, diced tofu, pork, tuna and seafood. It is one of the most common jjigae in Korea.

Source by Wikipedia


½ Lb. Pork Belly (READ the notes) Or 1 cup smoked Bacon
1/2 Tbsp. Garlic finely minced
1/2 Onion chopped
2 Cups Fermented Kimchi chopped


  • Cut the pork belly into bite-size or 1-inch size. Discard the skin if any. You can use smoked bacon instead.
  • Preheat deeper saute-pan/pot on medium-high and drop the bacon in. After a few minutes, drop in garlic and onion. Stir and let it cook for a few minutes.
  • Chop fermented cabbage (kimchi) into bite-size pieces, and drop in the saute pan. Stir fry it for 2 minutes on medium-high.

Recipe by sandraseasycooking

Best 5 Recipes Cooking with Kimchi: kimchi Jjigae

Please watch the video for the full recipes & directions.

Best 5 Recipes Cooking with Kimchi: kimchi Jjigae

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