Stewed Pear with White Fungus and Rock Candy

Chinese always believed in Yin and Yang food remedy. This dessert is to moisture the body system especially for women, to raise the Yin level up for the entire body, hence to reduce heat and damp of the body.


White Fungus believed to have the good result in helping skin radiant and whitening effect, plus the gelatin texture, it is named as the natural collagen for the skin.

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White Fungus * 40g (cut into small chuck)

Crystal pear * 1 pc (cut into cubes)

Rock Sugar * to taste

Red dates * 7 pcs

wolfberries * 10-15 pcs

Water * 3 cups


How to make:

  1. Boil the water in a big pot and insert the red dates & crystal pear cook for 10 minutes
  2. Add in the white fungus (you can cook about 5 minutes to have the crunchy texture ^ better taste or cook longer to soften the white fungus ^ better result in collagen built)
  3. Turn off the stove and add in the wolfberries and rock sugar
  4. Ready to serve!

Photos of the ingredients:

White Fungus

white fungus


Red dates

red dates



wolf berry

crystal pear




yellow rock sugar


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