Oriental Stir Fry Armoniche Italian Egg Pasta

On the weekly food preparation, pasta is considered as most simple way of dishes. Today i made pasta without sauces, but i stir fry it in oriental methods. Without sauces, the pasta can last longer and it will not go soggy as you reheat with microwave. I bought the Armoniche Italian Egg pasta at AldiRead More

Homestyle Sambal Fried Vermicelli with Seafood

This is a very authentic food from Malaysia, you can get fried vermicelli from the economical street hawker and expensive restaurants. Most of the people will eat fried vermicelli for breakfast, even lunch. It is simple, delicious and easy access. Normally it is stir fry with either pork, chicken or seafood depends whichever ingredients areRead More

Spicy Dark Sauce Stir Fried Rice Vermicelli & Udon with Pork

Ingredients: Ingredient  A – Rice Vermicelli * 1 pack Udon * 1 pack Ingredient B – Bean Sprouts * 100g Ingredient C – Pork * 150g (marinated in black pepper, soy sauce and corn starch for 3-4 hours) Seasoning: Dark Soy Sauce * 2-3 drops (do not add too much as it might bring upRead More