Oriental Stir Fry Armoniche Italian Egg Pasta

On the weekly food preparation, pasta is considered as most simple way of dishes. Today i made pasta without sauces, but i stir fry it in oriental methods. Without sauces, the pasta can last longer and it will not go soggy as you reheat with microwave. I bought the Armoniche Italian Egg pasta at AldiRead More

Korean Stir-Fry Chicken with Zucchini

This is simple and quick recipe when you are looking for balance meal including protein and fibers. Either chicken breast or chicken thigh can be used in the dish, however, i am using boneless and skinless thigh as it is more juicy and tender compare to chicken breast. Always find cooking in Asian cuisine isRead More

Low Carbs Cast Iron Stir Fry Oriental Oyster Sauce Shrimps

After a long day shopping at Costco, we got some seafood to keep in our pantry. Then i decided to make shrimps for dinner! This is low in carbs however i do use the oriental sauce – Oyster sauce to make the dish taste real Chinese. Oyster sauce is one of the popular sauce thatRead More

Japanese Black Pepper Fried Udon with Seafood

Hi~~ i am back again, recently i start really simple cooking without much new recipes because i have to cook for 2 sessions everyday. Hubby used to eat overnight food, but i do not like this idea, so i decided to prepare him the lunch box every morning before he goes to work. So, withRead More