KETO Low Carb Stuffed Summer Squash with Ground Pork

Since i have a new job, i am trying to squeeze the time to make new recipe, and still we are in Low Carb WOE. We went to Aldi for grocery shopping and these summer yellow squash just so so fresh. So, i have ground pork, and just to make something fun, i stuffed theRead More

KETO Low Carb Creamy Cheesy Yummy Basil Mushroom

This is my first attempt to try cooking something more towards western instead of Oriental. Normally i do not cook dishes with creamy sauces, but after the Sunday shopping, i brought home with a pack of heavy cream. I think it is not too bad to try something with heavy cream. So i dig aroundRead More

Keto Salami Muffin Cup

Recently Keto Diet is in trend, we are trying to follow little bit as there are some red flag on our lab reports. However, the Keto meals that i made is not too strict or extreme. I do not count macro as the others, we just trying to minimize the amount of carbs we takeRead More

Tomato Rosemary Cheese Baked Chicken Thighs

Recently we had our blood test report done, and my report is perfectly good but that’s a little risk for hubby. He is high in triglyceride and LDL level, where the doctor advises him to take some fish oil. I decided to change our WOE to the low carb high fat which is believed canRead More is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to


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