Stir Fried Colorful Mix Veggies

This is a night filled with colorful veggies. Look at the combination of the colors, red, yellow, orange, green! i love seeing those colors and here’s our dinner ! Healthy, clean and tasty!

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Broccoli * 150g

Carrot * 50g

Red / Yellow Bell peppers * each 1/4 pcs

Garlic * 1 clove (dice it)

light soy sauce * 1 tbsp

McCormick Garlic and herbs Spice * little bit


How to cook:

  1. Blanch the broccoli and carrot in a pot with water and set aside
  2. Heat up the wok with oil and fried the garlic.
  3. Add the carrot first as it is hard and take longer time to cook. Then follow by the broccoli.
  4. Add the light soy sauce and spice, mix well the the ingredients
  5. Finally add in the Colorful bell peppers and stir fried for 1 minute.
  6. Ready to serve!


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